"I Have Seen the Lord!" or "Easterized" or Made to be Easter People


Easter Sunday, April 12, 2009
John 20:1-18ヨハネ20:1-18

Happy Easter! We celebrate that Christ arose from the dead. Hallelujah! We celebrate that Christ rose victorious over death and the devil. Hallelujah! We celebrate that we too shall rise with Christ. Praise the Lord! Hallelujah!


Our celebration is based on the eye witness of about 500 people. The first were Mary and Peter and the other disciples. Something happened when they met the risen Christ. When Mary said, "I have seen the Lord," she was not just reporting a meeting between her and Jesus, she was reporting that something had happened which changed her life. Sadness to joy, fear to excitement, and discouragement to hope. Then Peter and the disciples who had been hiding behind locked doors finally went out and began to proclaim the Gospel to the world. Something had happened. Easter had happened. Easter had come into their hearts. Their hearts were "easterized," their lives were also "easterized." Christ had "eastered" them. They had become “Easter People.”


Mary and Peter and the disciples who were witnesses of the resurrection had become people of the resurrection, they had been easterized. The death and resurrection of Jesus changed their hearts and their lives. The Death and resurrection, this dynamic of the Law and Gospel was working in their lives. This is because Easter is never life alone without death. There is the death of Jesus, and our death, too. Jesus suffered and died on the cross to take the punishment of the Law upon himself. Because of our sin, Jesus died. But because he loves us, he took our sin upon himself and became the sacrifice that forgives our sin. In baptism we are connected with the death of Jesus, and our sin is forgiven through Christ. This death is the first part of being easterized.


The second part of being easterized is being resurrected with Christ. Jesus rose from the dead on the third day. This is proof that the punishment of the Law has been fulfilled and that our sin is really forgiven. In his resurrection there is promise and Gospel. There is the Good News that just as Jesus rose from the grave, we shall too. This life is the second part of being easterized.


When Mary was eastered, she became a person of the resurrection, she ran back to Jerusalem and told the disciples, "I have seen the Lord!" Her sadness was changed to joy, her fear to proclamation, and her discouragement to hope. Because Easter makes changes in people's lives, it is good to think of the word "easter" as a dynamic verb, an action word. The Holy Spirit gives us faith, and in that way easterizes us. Just like Mary, our sadness is changed to joy, our fear to proclamation, and our discouragement to hope.


We need to be easterized all year long, not only on Easter Sunday. We live in a world that emphasizes either only life or only death. The world reminds us constantly of death, war, disease, trouble, hate, discrimination, envy, greed and the like. It emphasizes the Law and other rules which bind us in prisons or in living graves. Or on the other hand, the world would promise life without death. From television commercials that promise happiness to self-help programs that promise the joy of life by escaping the problems of life, by overcoming the problems of life.

イースターの人生はこのイースターの日曜日の一日の為にだけではなくて、一年中の出来事となる必要があります。私達の社会は2つの事しか強調しません:それは命か死です。この世を見ると何を見るでしょうか:死、戦争、病気、問題、憎しみ、差別、嫉妬(しっと)、欲張りなどです。法律や他の規定を強調して、私達を刑務所(けいむしょ)に入れなければ、生きているお墓に閉じ込(と  こ)めています。又は、他方では、この世は死ぬ事のない命を約束します。テレビのCMなどは幸せな人生を約束して、この人生の問題から逃げる方法、人生の問題を乗り越える幸せを約束します。

Christ easters us with both his death and resurrection. His death is important. We live in this world of death and pain, and Jesus did not escape it, but rather shared it, suffering and dying on the cross. Jesus does not always pull us out of our diseases or poverty, but he easterizes our sickness and trouble, he gives the power of Easter. He shares our burdens. We learn that real love shares the sickness and death of others. In this love of Jesus we see Easter in all its fullness. Easter is a message of death and life.


Mary told the disciples, "I have seen the Lord!" We who have also heard the Easter Gospel message proclaim, "I have seen the Lord!" In this way, we who have been easterized easterize other people. In this way, Easter joy and love and hope are spread to many people.


Today we celebrate that we have been easterized. We celebrate that we have eternal life with Jesus. That is our hope and joy!


Happy Easter!


Michael Nearhood, Pastor
Okinawa Lutheran Church