Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened,

and I will give your rest.” Matthew 11:28


来なさい。休ませてあげよう。」 マタイ 11:28

July 6, 2008 200876
Matthew 11:28-30, Romans 7:14-25a
マタイ 11:28-30, ローマ 7:14-25

Matthew 28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

マタイ11:28 「疲れた者、重荷を負う者は、だれでもわたしのもとに来なさい。休ませてあげよう。29 わたしは柔和で謙遜な者だから、わたしの軛を負い、わたしに学びなさい。そうすれば、あなたがたは安らぎを得られる。30 わたしの軛は負いやすく、わたしの荷は軽いからである。」


Jesus said, Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” This is pure Gospel. We all have burdens of one kind or another. We all seek relief. We do not have time this morning in this bilingual sermon to list all the burdens, so make a list of your own top 5 burdens.




Jesus says he will give you rest for your burdens. This reminds me of Psalm 23. “The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want. 2 He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, 3 he restores my soul.” This is one kind of rest that Jesus will give us in the midst of our daily worries and toils.


イエス様は、私達の重荷からの休みを与えると言われました。これは、詩篇23編のようです。「主は羊飼い、わたしには何も欠けることがない。2 主はわたしを青草の原に休ませ/憩いの水のほとりに伴い3 魂を生き返らせてくださる。」私達の毎日の心配と苦労の中で、このような休みは一つです。


Jesus also gives us rest from our old burdens by giving us something new. He says, “29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Jesus is not an overbearing slave master, but is gentle and kind. His yoke is love.


休ませる方法のもう一つとは、私達に新しい物を下さる事です。言われます、「29 わたしは柔和(nyuuwa)で謙遜(kenson)な者だから、わたしの軛(kubiki)を負い、わたしに学びなさい。そうすれば、あなたがたは安らぎを得られる。30 わたしの軛は負いやすく、わたしの荷(ni)は軽いからである。」イエス様はひどい奴隷の監督ではなくて、やさしくて親切なお方です。彼のくびきは愛です。


His “yoke is easy.” That means it is “easy to bear.” It is the right size for us, it is a comfortable fit. Not all backpacks fit every hiker. You have to try them on and adjust the straps to find a pack that you can carry comfortably up the mountain. Jesus knows our size. He gives us tasks in this life that we can bear. With the help of the Holy Spirit, our burdens becomes light and easy to bear.




We should point out that the new burden that Jesus gives us is the cross. He said, “Take up your cross and follow me” (cf. Mt.10:38). The only thing that makes the cross a light burden is that it is really Jesus who carried that cross up the hill to Golgotha for us where he was crucified to take away our burden of sin.




St. Paul was a man who took great comfort in this. St. Paul did not complain about the burdens of persecution and bad conditions on the mission front. The big burden he felt was the burden of sin on his conscience. Try as hard as he could, he found that he could not escape sinning. It was like a war in his heart and in his life. He found peace only in the love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ. He wrote, “What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body of death? 25 Thanks be to God?through Jesus Christ our Lord!” (Romans 7:24-25a).




Here is the rest for all of us, whether it is the heat of summer or the worries of life. Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give your rest.”



Amen. アーメン。

Michael Nearhood, Pastor
Okinawa Lutheran Church