Christ at Home

December 28, 2003, The Sunday After Christmas

Luke 2:22-40, The Presentation of Our Lord

You all know the Christmas Story. But let me ask you all a couple of questions anyway.

1. What is the name of the town where Jesus was born? (Bethlehem.)

2. What sort of building was he born in? (A stable.)

3. What sort of a bed did he have? (A manger.)

4. Who was the mother of Jesus? (Mary.)

5. Who was the father of Jesus? (God.)

6. In what town was Mary's house? (Nazareth.)

7. In what town was God's house? (Jerusalem.) If you answered "heaven" to that last question, you would not be wrong, but God had a special house on earth, too. That house was in Jerusalem.

8. What sort of a house was it? (A Temple.) A house for God is called a "temple."

9. Does God live in the Temple? (Yes and No.) Yes, because God is everywhere. No, because God really doesn't need anyplace to live. But, the Temple is a special place where people can know that God is really present. Sometimes we need to know that, especially when things are bad and we want to find God to pray to. If we see a temple or a church, then we can be sure that God is with us. That is why it is fun to drive around Okinawa and see so many churches. God is really with us, he is here, he is there, he is everywhere: he is with me, he is with you, he is with those whom I love.

     Let me ask you some more questions.

10. In today's Gospel lesson, where do Mary and Joseph take Jesus? (To the Temple in Jerusalem.) They take him to his Father's house. Since Jesus is the Son of God, then the Temple is his real home. Jesus could not stay there, however. He had to go with Mary and Joseph and be raised in the town of Nazareth. The next time that he would return to the temple was when he was twelve years old. Then he would return again as a grown man and then he would cleanse the temple. Then he said, "It is written, 'My house will be a house of prayer,' but you have made it a 'den of robbers'" (Luke 19:46).

11. So, when Mary and Joseph took the Baby Jesus to the Temple, what do you think they did there? (They prayed.) They prayed to God, thanking Him that Jesus was born, and asking God to protect the child and to help them to raise the child.

12. Actually, this is something that all mothers and fathers pray, isn't it? (Yes, it is.)

13. Temples and churches are places to pray. They are also places where God speaks to us. How does God speak to us? (In His Word.) God speaks to us when we read the Bible. We say that the Bible is inspired by the Holy Spirit. That is, that the Holy Spirit wrote the Bible, using people to write down the words. So, when we read the Bible, it is the Holy Spirit speaking to us today. To help us understand the Bible, the Holy Spirit speaks through people who explain the Bible.

14. Who might this be? (Preachers, teachers, etc.) Sunday school teachers explain the word of God, as well as the preacher and parents and friends who tell us the Gospel message of love and forgiveness and salvation. On the day that Mary and Joseph took the Baby Jesus to the Temple, the Holy Spirit spoke in a special way through an old man named Simeon and an old woman named Anna. The Holy Spirit worked his power in these two people and they spoke the word of God.

15. And, what we call people who speak the Word of God like that? (Prophets.) We call them prophets.

16. What is a prophet? (A prophet is someone who speaks the word of God.) Sometimes telling the future, sometimes interpreting the past, but always speaking to people today to tell the message of God. Sometimes it is a message of God's wrath and punishment toward sin, sometimes it is a message of God's love and salvation toward forgiven sinners. The prophecy given to Simeon tells that Jesus would have a powerful future. He would bring both salvation and judgment; some would love him and others would hate him; and the mother of the child, too, would be heart-stricken. This prophecy would be fulfilled when Jesus was arrested, tried, and crucified. Then the prophetess Anna came and gave thanks to God and spoke to everyone how this child would bring salvation and redemption.

     Let me ask you some more questions.

17. Jesus came to the temple, but do you think Jesus comes to our church? (Yes or No.) He does. He comes wherever two or three are gathered in his Name, where people gather to pray and worship. He especially comes when we have Communion. In the Sacrament, he comes in a special way, giving us the blessings and benefits of his death and resurrection, when his body was broken and his blood was shed on the cross.

18. Do you think Jesus comes into your heart? (Yes or No.) If you believe in Jesus as your Savior, then Jesus is in your heart.

19. Are you a prophet or prophetess like Simeon and Anna? (Yes or No.) If you confess your faith in the words of the Creed, then the Holy Spirit is speaking with you, just like a prophet or prophetess. If you desire to live your life in the light of God's word, then the Holy Spirit is guiding your life, just like a prophet or prophetess.

   We have celebrated Christmas. We have heard the Good Word and sang the good songs and worshiped from our hearts. Like Simeon, we can say, "My eyes have seen your salvation which you have prepared in the sight of all people, a light for revelation to the Gentiles and for the glory to your people Israel" (Luke 2:30-32).


Michael Nearhood, Pastor
Okinawa Lutheran Church

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