February. 14, 2024、Ash Wednesday

Ashes & Chocolate. 灰 & チョコレット
Repentance & Forgiveness. 悔い改め & 赦し
Our Sin & God’s Love. 私達の罪& 神の愛

 This year Wednesday, February 14th is Ash Wednesday and Valentine’ Day. The Theme is “Ashes and Chocolate.” That is, “Law and Gospel.” That is “Our Sin and God’s Love.”


We start with chocolate. Chocolate is sweet and makes us feel good. It gives us energy. When we receive chocolate from someone, it makes us feel happy, makes us feel loved, especially on Valentine’s Day! Yes, it is surely a gift from God.


The Bible story starts with God’s creation and the garden of Eden. A world of peace and love.


Then came sin. Chocolate became ash. Because of greed and selfishness and hate, things became bad. Love became self-love. Acts of kindness were not from love, but a way to control others, or out of fear. Love was lost, it disappeared. Love became ashes.


It may start out as love, but it can change. If I want to make a chocolate cake but leave it in the oven too long, it will burn, it will turn to charred ash. That is what sin is.


On Ash Wednesday, the ashes on our foreheads are signs of sorrow. Like wearing black to a funeral, it is an outward sign of the feelings of our hearts. On Ash Wednesday, the ash is like a prayer, it is sign-language. “O God, see my heart. I am sorry for my sin, please forgive me.” And we know that God will forgive us, because we know that the cross of Jesus does forgive us. That faith gives boldness to our prayer. It gives peace and comfort. Baptism faith washes away the ash and gives us a clean heart.

灰の水曜日に額につける灰は、自分の悲しみの印です。お葬式に黒い朊を着る事のように、心の気持ちを表します。灰水曜日では、その灰は祈りのようです、sign-language, 手話のようです。“神様、僕の心を見て下さい。僕は罪をおかして、すみません、赦して下さい”と。そして、神様が自分を赦して下さると分かります。何故ならば、私達の罪を赦す為にイエス様が十字架上で死んでくださったからです。この信仰が私達の祈りに確信と勇気を与えます。平和と慰めを与えます。洗礼はその灰を洗い落として、キレイな心を与えます。

That love of God is like today’s chocolate. It is the feeling of peace and comfort and safety.


Chocolate first came to Europe in the 1500’s, so Martin Luther probably ate it.


** Archives Twitter Follow Bishop Eaton
“Martin Luther once said, “I felt that I had been born anew and that the gates of heaven had been opened. The whole of Scripture gained a new meaning. And from that point on the phrase ‘the justice of God’ no longer filled me with hatred, but rather became unspeakably sweet by virtue of a great love.”
The blurring of law and gospel - Living Lutheran

Ashes & Chocolate. 灰 & チョコレット

Repentance & Forgiveness. 悔い改め & 赦し

Our Sin & God’s Love. 私達の罪& 神の愛

Amen. アーメン。

Michael Nearhood、Pastor、Okinawa Lutheran Church

Michael Nearhood, Pastor
Okinawa Lutheran Church

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