"STAND" Women's Ministry

STAND Women's Ministry is a vision given, in order for us to go even deeper in believing we are "sanctified women"in Him, standing firm on the foundation of His Word, being grounded in a church which is the body of Christ and growing in it, and joyously using the gifts that we received from God. So many women in the Bible have been mightily used by God. There are many women appearing in the Bible. Such was not just happening in the first generation church, but also in the Old Testament you can see the shining presence of women of God. Women are never meant to be placed under men, rather, they are created for a reason. Women are also the ones indispensable in family, society, and church.

Women, when Jesus was crucified, did not run away from him. The ones who met Jesus first right after the crucifixion and the resurrection were also those women.
Although it was the time in history when women and children were not even counted as human being, God did use women in such a way and they glorified God.

In Japanese churches, majority are women without doubt.
More women are there than men in churches; that is probably due to a unique nature pertinent to women. Women have more receptive nature, they are sensitive, and alert to help people in trouble, and have certain intuitive perception to God's Word.

What kind of blessed creature are women, to be born with such various and wonderful features and gifts? For more and more women to be, by His Word and prayers, completely delivered, eyes opened up to the gifts given from God, grounded in church where they can be nourished and be used, is what we truly hope in this ministry, and also it is the objective of this conference.

Yoko Rucker    Meg Awano    AyaIwase
Yoko Rucker

Meg Awano

Aya Iwase

(C) 2004 STAND WOMEN'S Ministry. All rights reserved.